Live-in Care

Live-in Care


Manilla Healthcare services provides a comprehensive range of care and support services to enable people to live at home independently, safely and with dignity for as long as possible. These services can be delivered in time slots ranging from a 30 minutes period to 24 hours a day.

Person centered care

The care delivered is person-centered with the client always coming first.

Dignity and Respect

Clients will be treated with dignity and respect at all times while receiving care and treatment. This includes making sure:

  • Clients’ privacy will be respected at all times.
  • Everybody is treated as equals
  • Adequate supports and promotion of clients independent and involvement in the local community.

Safeguarding From Abuse

Manilla Healthcare Services and its staff will ensure that none of our clients suffer any form of abuse or improper treatment while receiving care.

This includes:

  • Neglect
  • Degrading treatment
  • Verbal abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Discrimination and stigmatisation
  • Unnecessary or disproportionate restraint
  • Inappropriate limits on your freedom
  • Sexual abuse
  • Financial or material abuse
  • Organisational or institutional abuse
senior care
senior care
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Manilla Healthcare Services


We use a telephone clock in system for our care workers which allows us to monitor the arrival and departure time of our care workers to your home thus promoting reliability and consistency in your care

We involve you and your family in all aspects of your care and try to fit in with your requirements

We have our own training institute and can quickly provide any specific training requirements to our staff

We pride ourselves on delivering a high quality flexible and responsive service

We work with you to design a service that will meet your care needs and allow you to remain in your home

Our carers who are fully screened and highly trained are available 24 hrs a day/7 days a week. We can provide a service at short notice and have an on-call support service available at all times

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Manilla Healthcare Services

What Type Of Services Can We Provide

Home Care Service

People need a home care service for many reasons. Some examples of when our services might be required include following an illness, hospitalisation, decreased mobility as we get older, having a disability, family carers needing a break. This home care service can be required daily, weekly or sporadically. It can be for short or long periods. It can be once a day or more often. Everybody’s needs are different. Manilla Healthcare is happy to arrange for a senior member of our team to meet with you and discuss your requirements.


We provide support for those who are isolated and lonely, but still healthy and happy to remain in their own home. Our aim is to reduce or prevent loneliness in an elderly person who might otherwise become isolated. This is primarily emotional support and socialization.

Meals and Feeding

We understand that food is very important to our wellbeing and people can become distress if this aspect of their life is not taken care of. If you struggle to prepare meals or go to the shop to buy food, our team are here to help you prepare your meals based on your diet requirement. We also work hand in hand with dietician to seek advice when necessary on how to ensure that people are eating a balance heathy meal in order to maintain their well-being. If you require any assistance with feeding, the carers will be available to assist you with feeding.

Catheter Care

Our carers are trained on how to manage catheter care. We work hand in hand with District nurses to discuss any concern and to seek advice when necessary to provide the care that you require with your catheter.

24 hours Home Care

We know that due to people’s needs, some people may require round the clock care in order to be able to manage their care at home in a safe environment. We have dedicated and committed team to ensure that you receive whatever support that you require during the day and at night.

Palliative Care

Palliative care at home means that you or your family member can remain in a place that you feel comfortable and surrounded by memories, with the support of a compassionate carer. Our care is not just about providing assistance, it is also about offering emotional support and companionship during a difficult time. We provide active, compassionate care with advice and support to alleviate the anxiety, fear and loneliness that many experience during this time.

Toileting / Continence Care

We understand that people’s needs are different and will sometimes require assistance to manage with some basic things that can affect their wellbeing if not manage correctly. Our carers are trained and experience in assisting our clients with toileting at their preferred time and also to provide continence care when required.

Medication Administration

Prior to us commencing your care, we will carry out a medication risk assessment to determine the level of assistance that you require from our carers to manage your medication. Where it has been established that you require assistance, the carers will assist you to administer your tablets as prescribed by your GP and this will be documented in your care plan.

Assist to Attend Medical/Social Appointment

We have dedicated carers to assist you for medical appointment and also to attend any social or community activities.


Our staff can accompany you for leisure trips to the garden or mall. And help you with your weekly shopping.

manilla healthcare services
manilla healthcare services
manilla healthcare services
manilla healthcare services


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Manilla Healthcare Services


Practical Support
  • Cleaning/laundry/ironing
  • Meal preparation
  • Shopping
  • Companionship
  • Light housework
  • Collecting prescriptions
Personal Support
  • Personal care
  • Bathing & showering
  • Continence care
  • Assistance with dressing, mobility and feeding
  • Outings and socialising
  • Participate in crafts/hobbies
Specialist Support
  • Assistance with daily living – e.g. catheter care, oxygen facilitation
  • Palliative care, end of life support
  • Dementia care/reminiscing therapy
  • Challenging behaviour
  • Physical mobility
  • Post discharge from hospital where assistance is required at short notice, possibly for a short period
  • Reablement Programme post hospital discharge to help people to adapt to changes in their ability post illness and to regain confidence
  • Convalescence in the home to aide recovery from a debilitating illness
  • Respite Care – giving the main carer’s a break while staying at home